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binary bitの例文


  • Each uses a number of lenses and an analog-to-digital conversion chip to convert an image into binary bits.
  • The binary bit stream is therefore on the intermediate stage of the AMI code in the HDB3 code umcodiert.
  • Analogously, one binary bit with equiprobable values has a Shannon entropy of \ log _ 2 2 = 1 shannon.
  • In all of the above methods, each of these phases, frequencies or amplitudes are assigned a unique pattern of binary bits.
  • That mixed state could form the base of a computer built around not binary bits but the quantum bit, or qubit.
  • The 2Suit has been the subject of songs, including the Valentine's Days album titled " 2Suit, " by Binary Bits, and in the " Anti-Gravity Love"
  • A "'one-bit message "'is a type of communication that has no personalized or specified content, and as such transmits only a single binary bit of information.
  • As I recall, which may not be entirely correct, it used two cores per binary bit and was essentially a delay line that moved a bit forward.
  • Rather than store values as a fixed number of binary bits related to the size of the processor register, these implementations typically use variable-length arrays of digits.
  • Experience and memorization will help you look at a hex-code and decode its value quickly to either a decimal numeric value or a binary bit-vector, as the context requires.
  • The time code format has changed only slightly since 1965; it sends a decimal time code, using four binary bits to send each digit in binary-coded decimal ( BCD ).
  • In msbit-first form, the most significant binary bits will be sent first and so contain the higher-order polynomial coefficients, while in lsbit-first form, the least-significant binary bits contain the higher-order coefficients.
  • In msbit-first form, the most significant binary bits will be sent first and so contain the higher-order polynomial coefficients, while in lsbit-first form, the least-significant binary bits contain the higher-order coefficients.
  • The essence of the idea, however, can be traced back to David Chaum's original Dining Cryptographers network protocol, where binary bits are combined in a structured way to achieve a vanishing effect.
  • For instance, a two's-complement addition of 127 and  " 128 gives the same binary bit pattern as an unsigned addition of 127 and 128, as can be seen from the 8-bit two's complement table.
  • The message contains a list of up to 2048 event phrases defined by 11 binary bits ( of which 1402 were in use as of 2007 ) that can be translated by the receiver into the user's language.
  • Many computer ciphers can be characterized by their operation on binary bit sequences ( sometimes in groups or blocks ), unlike classical and mechanical schemes, which generally manipulate traditional characters ( i . e ., letters and digits ) directly.
  • I know I could simply do 1, 2, 3 on dice = 0, and 4-5-6 on a dice = 1, but that takes 1 roll per binary digit, I want to do it in a way that minimises the number of die rolls required per binary bit.
  • The reason why Bipolar encoding is classified as a return to zero ( RZ ) is because when a bipolar encoded channel is idle the line is held at a constant " zero " level; and when it is transmitting bits the line is in either in a + V or-V state corresponding to the binary bit being transmitted.
  • For example, a good quality LCD has a dynamic range of around 1000 : 1 ( commercially the dynamic range is often called the " contrast ratio " meaning the full-on / full-off luminance ratio ), and some of the latest CMOS image sensors now have measured dynamic ranges of about 23, 000 : 1 ( reported as 14.5 binary bits ).